Striking - Kicks + Knee's

Striking - Kicks + Knee's

Various kicks, kick and knee striking techniques used in Krav Maga and self-defence.

Striking - Kicks + Knee's
  • Front Snap Kick

    A tutorial breaking down and explaining how to execute a snap kick off both front and back legs. This is our fastest kick and mainly towards attacker groin.

    • Stabalise
    • Bring knee up forwards
    • Snap the kick to target and recoil
    • Use sole of the foot to strike

  • Front Knee Strike

    Training tutorial for executing an explosive Krav Maga knee strike.

    • Driver knee using body and core
    • Pointed knee in diagonal direction
    • Recoil knee

  • Low Roundhouse

    Training tutorial for executing a powerful low roundhouse keeping balance with maximum power.

    A tutorial breaking down and explaining how to execute a snap kick off both front and back legs. This is our fastest kick and mainly towards attacker groin.

    • Stabalise and open up body
    • Bring kn...

  • Stop (Stomp) Kick

    Training tutorial for executing a stop - also known as stomp – kick, keeping balance with maximum power. An ideal blocking kick too.

    • Stabalise
    • Bring knee up forwards
    • Drive kick through target lean into the kick
    • Use sole of the foot to strike
    • Land foot forward

  • Scissor Kick

    Training tutorial for executing an explosive scissor kick, closing a large space in a short time, keeping balance with maximum power. This is our most powerful but also risky kick.

    • Bring knee up first of non kicking leg
    • Launch off the standing leg
    • Bring knee up forward and kick
    • Kick...

  • Scissor Knee Strike

    Training tutorial for executing an explosive scissor knee, closing a large space in a short time, keeping balance with maximum power.

    Training tutorial for executing an explosive scissor kick, closing a large space in a short time, keeping balance with maximum power. This is our most powerful...