Striking - Punches + Hand Strikes

Striking - Punches + Hand Strikes

Various punches, elbows and hand striking techniques used in Krav Maga and self-defence.

Striking - Punches + Hand Strikes
  • Double Punch Strike

    A tutorial on how to execute an explosive double punch from semi-passive stance.
    • Semi passive stance must be in range
    • Drop body weight exploding towards the threat
    • Both fists between 90 degrees and 45 degree
    • Aim for middle of the face
    • Stabalize and follow with a knee or to groin
    • Get ...

  • Vulnerable Striking Points

    Knowing were you can strike a potential threat or attacker can give you the edge needed to survive any situation.

  • Rythmns

    • Knock out single
    • 1-2
    • Broken
    • Shattered
    • Simultaneous

  • Power Generation

    This video demonstrating how to create power when striking and weight transitioning.

    • Plant feet
    • Rotate body and hips
    • Recoil punches and keep high guard
    • Strike through target

  • Educational Block/Strike

    This video explaining the importance of creating space using an educational block or strike.

    • Evaluate distance between the threat and yourself
    • Execute version 1 or 2
    • Use impact to move back as you press threat away
    • Semi passive stance

  • Palm Strike

    This video demonstrating how to perform a palm strike with devastating effect and using correct part of hand.

    • Using either front palm or rear palm
    • Remembering to plant feet
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • remember to strike through the target

  • Straight Jab

    This video demonstrating how to perform a straight jab and the benefits of using this strike.

    • Send front jab remembering to plant front foot
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • Recoil jab fully
    • Remember to punch through the target

  • Circular Hook

    This video demonstrating how to perform a circular hook to either head or body.

    • Using either hand
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • Plant feet
    • Recoil punches
    • Remember to punch through the target

  • Right Straight Cross

    This video demonstrating how to perform a right cross, when to use it and benefits of this strike

    • Send back fist - your dominant hand
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • Plant feet recoil punch fully
    • Remember to punch through the target

  • Jab + Cross (1-2)

    This video demonstrating how to perform a jab - cross jab/cross combination using the 1-2 rhythm.

    • Send front jab remembering to plant front foot
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • Recoil jab fully
    • Plant back foot and send the straight cross
    • remember to punch through the target

  • Side Horizontal Hammer

    This video demonstrating how to perform a hammer fist to a side attacker or threat.

    • Get head round early with chin tucked in
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • Plant feet
    • Recoil punch after
    • Remember to punch through the target

  • Vertical Hammer - Front

    This video demonstrating how to perform a vertical hammer fist to a front facing attacker or threat.

    This video demonstrating how to perform a right cross, when to use it and benefits of this strike

    • Using either hand
    • Generate power from core by dropping body
    • Do not bring fist up f...

  • Rear Horizontal Hammer

    This video demonstrating how to perform a hammer fist to a rear attacker or threat.

    • Get head round early with chin tucked in
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • Plant feet
    • Recoil punch after
    • Remember to punch through the target

  • Ridge Hand Strike

    • Using inside blade of hand
    • Keep arm in Z-shape
    • Tuck thumb into hand
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • Plant feet
    • Recoil
    • Remember to strike through the target

    NB: Always train safely and within your ability

  • Knife Hand Strike

    • Using outside of hand
    • Close knuckles and tuck thumb into hand
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • Plant feet
    • Recoil
    • Remember to strike through the target

    NB: Always train safely and within your ability

  • Closed Claw Punch

    • Using folded knuckles
    • Under or upwards style
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • Plant feet
    • Recoil
    • Remember to strike through the target

    NB: Always train safely and within your ability

  • Upper Cut

    This video demonstrating how to perform a Krav Maga upper cut and how it differs from a boxing one.

    This video demonstrating how to perform a right cross, when to use it and benefits of this strike

    • Using either hand
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • Plant feet and punch towards targ...

  • Forearm Strike

    • Using blade of forearm
    • Generate power from core and hips
    • Plant feet
    • Recoil
    • Remember to strike through the target

    NB: Always train safely and within your ability

  • Spinning Hammer Fist

    This video demonstrating how to perform a spinning hammer fist and use to close space fast and effectively.

    This video demonstrating how to perform a hammer fist to a rear attacker or threat.

    • Feign jab or grab
    • Step across channel
    • Get head round early with chin tucked in
    • Generate...

  • Pre-emptive Strike

    • With dominant hand low attacker nearest hand
    • Repeat using other hand
    • Strike straight and hard using you dominant hand
    • Create space or continue to attack
    • Scan for next threat

    NB: Always train safely and within your ability

  • Fist Shapes

    This video Ultra Krav Maga discusses fist shapes. Where and how the fist should and should not be positioned upon striking and how – yet again –Krav Maga differs from traditional martial arts.